The Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety (IACRS) was established in 1990 to promote consistency of policies and co-ordination of activities in radiation protection and safety at the international level. The objective of the committee arises from the numerous functions it performs, including:
The IACRS is composed of representatives from intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations concerned with radiation protection and safety matters.
Member organisations are ‘intergovernmental organisations', which includes specialised agencies and related organisations of the United Nations system, relevant programmes, offices or entities of the United Nations, and other relevant non-United Nations organisations.
Observer organisations are non-governmental international organisations.
Each member and observer organisation nominates a representative to the Committee.
At present, the member organisations are:
At present, the observer organisations are:
The functions of the Committee are undertaken without prejudice to the roles and responsibilities to the member organizations. The IACRS activities do not affect the other arrangements defined in agreements between organizations, or their day-to-day implementation. The Committee may set up task groups to address specific issues.
The Committee has the following main functions:
The Committee agrees which member organisation will chair the Committee until the next regular meeting. The chair, in principle, rotates among the member organizations.
The Committee has a standing secretariat (the secretariat) to provide continuity. Member organisations appoint the secretariat for a period of six years.
The Committee holds regular meetings on a periodic basis, as deemed necessary but with an interval between regular meetings generally not exceeding 18 months.
The Committee also convenes extraordinary meetings either on their own initiative or at the request of a Committee member.
The Committee may invite other organizations as appropriate for specific topics.
The Committee seeks to agree on matters by consensus.